Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday April 24, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Well it's Friday again! I have had a super busy week jammed packed with working at the Fitness Centre and teaching spin classes as well as training myself. We are expecting warm weather this weekend and I'm looking forward to spending time outdoors. It's almost time to get the rollerblades out, as is one of my favourite summer cardio activities! I trained shoulders and rear delts today...great workout. My shoulders are getting stronger and I am noticing how my diet is assisting in this procces.

Here is my workout for today:

Seated Shoulder Presses:

Warm-up 1x12 with 15lbs./sd

1x12 with 20lbs./sd

1x10 with 30lbs./sd

1x10 with 35lbs./sd

1x40 with 40 lbs./sd

Leaning Side Laterals:

4x10 per arm with a 20lb. dumbbell

Lying Barbell Front Raises:

4x10 with 35lb. barbell

Dumbbell Front Raises:

4x15 with 15lb. dumbbells

Machine Rear Delts:

4x12 per side- 45lbs.

I finished off with 40 minutes of cardio on the spin bike.

I'm home now and have made up some yummy chicken and bron rice for dinner; and am looking forward to spending a relaxing night with Tyler (my boyfriend). Hope everyone is well, and I will post more later on the weekend!

Stay Strong!
